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Biosafety and biosecurity
【来源:无 】 【作者: 不详】 【已经浏览3860次】
Biosafety and biosecurity are related, but not identical, concepts. Biosafety aims to reduce or eliminate exposure of individuals and the environment to potentially hazardous agents used in biological research, while the objective of biosecurity is to protect dangerous pathogens and toxins, along with critical security-related information, from theft and sabotage by those who intend to pursue bioterrorism or biological weapons proliferation. 
Biosafety and biosecurity 是一对意义相近但有差别的概念。
Biosafety 的目的在于,当进行生物学研究时,(采取适当的防护设施、设备、防护原则及技术)以减少或消除有潜在危险性的因子暴露及意外释放,从而保证人类和环境的安全。
biosecurity 的目的在于防止病原体或毒素及其相关信息被生物恐怖主义或极端分子窃取、滥用。 

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